Bøker 2019-2022 (35)

How the World Really Works – Vaclav Smil (06.2022) (Ingen ting fra sommeren 2021-sommeren 2022) Den stillferdige amerikaner – Graham Greene (tror jeg ga opp) Speilkrigen – John Le Carre (Amatører bak jernteppet, frustrerende) HMS Ulysses – Alistair MacLean (særoppgave) SS GB – Len Deighton (kommer aldri til å bli ferdig) Hekneveven – Lars Mytting … Les mer


Epictetus, a stoic philosopher said that “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” No writings by Epictetus are known. His discourses were transcribed and compiled by his pupil Arrian. Epictetus maintains that the foundation of all philosophy is self-knowledge; that is, the conviction of our ignorance and gullibility ought to … Les mer

On bullshit

I den lille boken «On bullshit» dissekterer den nylig avdøde Princeton-professoren Harry G. Frankfurt et av de mest fremtredende fenomen i dagens samfunn, nemlig det han kaller bullshit. Vi kunne kalle det tåkeprat, svada eller nonsens på norsk, men det engelske begrepet bullshit er nok mest dekkende også her til lands. Ifølge Frankfurt kjennetegnes bullshit … Les mer

Nettreklame er sløsing med pengene

If you search for eBay, though, you’ll find only a single listing—an unpaid one. Odds are, after marketers at Amazon, Walgreens, and elsewhere catch wind of a preliminary study released on Friday, their search listings will start to look a lot more like eBay’s.  The study—by eBay Research Labs economists Thomas Blake, Chris Nosko, and Steve Tadelis—analyzed … Les mer

How Lego bricks went from five colors to nearly 200

Kati Perry Sept. 14 at 3:32 p.m, Washington Post Since modern Lego bricks debuted in 1958, their color scheme has undergone a transformation from just a handful to more than 110 at the peak in 2004. The palette has evolved, grown and shrunk over the decades. When Lego started manufacturing bricks, it started small, colorwise. … Les mer

Low-cost solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity for 145 countries

publised in Royal Society of Chemistry (journal) Jun 9, 2022. Written by Mark Z. Jacobson, * Anna-Katharina von Krauland, Stephen J. Coughlin,Emily Dukas, Alexander J. H. Nelson, Frances C. Palmer and Kylie R. Rasmussen. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,California 94305-4020, USA Extracts and personal comments to a highly optimistic study. For … Les mer

Fossil fuels

Source: BP Statistical Review 2022, published by Visual Capitalist January 31, 2023 Coal Production If all the coal produced in 2021 were arranged in a cube, it would measure 2,141 meters (2.1km) on each side—more than 2.5 times the height of the world’s tallest building. China produced 50% or more than four billion tonnes of … Les mer


By @culturaltutor at Twitter Arial A classic font, designed in 1982 by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders, and once the default for things like PowerPoint and Excel. But Arial has a secret: it’s a knock-off with exactly the same letter width as another font in this list… Arnold Böcklin Designed by Otto Weisert in 1904 … Les mer