The problem with it, and this is actually a mystery to me. Every crypto currency that’s been started, to my knowledge, and there might be some I don’t know about, because it has been exploding lately, so I might not have a comprehensive view, but they’re all ponzi schemes, they’re all scams!
What happens is, people who started, create a bunch of fake wealth for themselves and then other people turn it to real wealth by speculating and the earlier you are in, the better your chances of coming out, but there’s always that little chance you’ll do well, so later speculators want to do well and that’s what’s called a ponzi scheme. But since it’s global, is doesn’t pop right away, and so it can go on for a really, really long time. But it’s terribly dangerous, and terribly unfair to most people.
They’re based on this ridiculous pseudo libertarian idea of trying to emulate the gold standard. So there’s a fixed number of these currencies. It’s a feudal model and incredibly regressive, yet it’s hip, popular thing. Just look at it, it’s terrible!
Jaron Lanier var blant de første innovatørene i Silicone Valley og regnes som en av vår tids mest fremtredende visjonærer. Han kalles gjerne The father of virtual reality og Time Magazine har satt ham på listen over de 100 mest innflytelsesrike mennesker i verden. Lanier underviser ved New York University og ved Columbia University og er blant grunnleggerne til International Institute for Evolution and Brain som utgår fra Harvard University og Parisuniversitetet